About Sensual Healing

Heart centred, holistic sexual education and well being platform and information resource centre that’s universally accessible

Our Vision:

To assist people seeking help, education and healing in the areas of love, intimacy, sex and authentic relating.

Our Mission:

To be the most inspirational, admired and accessible global sexual educational organisation and resource centre/platform serving humanity.

We will connect with and harness the heart centred energy and innovation of individuals and organisations who bring forth a love of life and sustain others in pursuing that choice for themselves.

Our Values:

Respect – Appreciation towards individualisation. We’re all perfect within our imperfections.

Acceptance – Non judgement. No one likes to be judged

Honour – Operate with integrity and pure intent

Awareness – Continuous conscientious consciousness (tongue twister, I know)

Empowerment – Raising peoples confidence to be themselves

Inspiration – Natural enthusiasm and lust for living and loving life

Freedom – Reclaim responsibility for personal liberty

Authenticity – Courageously being and speaking personal truths

Spirited – Energetic embodiment of peace, love and harmony

Service – Contribute to the betterment of humankind

Sustainability – Establish perpetual universal benefit for the betterment of all